Friday, November 12, 2010

High Hopes Challenge 96 - Buttons

Well, I have and haven't been very productive this week. I went to the chiropractor last Friday for a normal adjustment, and the adjustment ended up causing a bigger issue, a problem with my left sacroiliac. I cannot sit for long periods of time, so work has not been very productive. Crafting has has been a little more so. I have been stamping and coloring standing up. I have been able to get two cards done this week, which is a major accomplishment for me during the week!

Both of the cards that I made, were for the current High Hopes Challenge #96 - Buttons. I used one of their snowman stamps, and knew just what I was going to do with it. Hah!!! It did not turn out at all like I planned, and I did not like it. So, knowing me, I set it aside and went to work creating a second card which I will share in later post. After creating the second card, I picked at the first card, changed a few things, and what do you know, I came up with something that I could live with, and here it is.

Please let me know what you think. I appreciate any comment, good or bad on this one, because I really struggled.

Thanks for stopping by.




Linda w said...

I like both cards but I have to say that your first card has colors that are not your usual self. But I still like it.

stamp on...

Lillian A said...

Both are adorable, Deb, but I think your second one gives more of that "freezin' season" look !! You should be proud of both. It's amazing how color and layout change the whole "look" of a card and we can keep reusing them.
Keep it up and hope you're feeling better. Good luck on the winner draw!

debby4000 said...

Love your gorgeous sweet card.